
Showing posts from May, 2012

Family Camp

For Memorial Day we decided to head back to Camp Luther.   This time Laura’s parents Bob and Anita Ohlson joined us.   We tried to convince Grandma Rosi to come, but she volunteered to watch Jean Luc. We met up at the camp on Friday afternoon.   Once we were settled, the boys decided to jump into the lake.   Josh lasted for about 10 minutes and Ryan for 15 minutes.   The lake was still cold and with the temp only in the 70’s with a breeze blowing, they quickly decided it was too cold to swim.   Having expelled some of their energy from the three hour car ride, we decided it was time to head to dinner.   Since camp did not start until 7pm, we headed to Eagle River for dinner.   Upon returning to camp, we got a quick round of fishing in and then headed to the opening program. The boys warming up after their swim! Josh and Ryan fishing with Papa! Josh is fishing. Our days were packed with fun at Camp Luther.   We did archery, kayaking, swimming, canoeing, fishing, zi