Open House
On August 30 th , Grandma Rosi, Dave, the boys, and I, headed to Red Smith School for the Open House. Josh is in 5 th grade this year and Ryan is in 2 nd grade. We started our night in the gymnasium as Josh now must wear a student ID. Josh had his picture taken and it turn out to be a great picture. Then it was upstairs to the boys’ classrooms. This year both boys have classrooms on the 2 nd floor. Josh is in room 212 and Ryan is in room 202. We started at Josh’s class and met Miss. Klaus, his new teacher. This is her 2 nd year of teaching and she remembered Ryan from when she student taught in his Kindergarten Class. Josh put away his school supplies in his desk and checked out the classroom. Next we headed to Ryan’s room. Ryan has Mrs. Charlier who has taught for 27 years and was Josh’s 2 nd grade teacher. Ryan found his nametag and chose a desk. He will have 25 kids in his class, but they...