Ryan’s First Year in Soccer
After many years of not being interested in any sport, Ryan decided this would be the year to play soccer. He signed up for the Green Bay Strikers. He even prayed that God would put him on his good friend Joey’s team, but that was not God’s plan. Instead he ended up on the Grey Wolves team. At first we were worried on how the year would turn out. We waited and waited to find out the soccer schedule and finally started practicing the week before games started. While communication was weak on our team, the talents for coaching was very strong. The team coaches took a group of 14 boys that were 8 and 9 and taught them to play together. It was a team goal to work together and to not let any one player be the star. It was about being good sports and teamwork. This lesson was very important and together they played very well. In fact, so well that they won every one of their games including the three this weekend at ...