The Zipline

The Zipline!
On Sunday afternoon at Camp Luther our family decided to try the Zipline.  Since I am more than petrified of heights, I volunteered to take pictures.  Josh, Ryan, and Dave were excited for this adventure.  We hiked up to the zipline.  Scrappy and Tink met us at the zipline and outfitted the guys with their harnesses and helmets.  Then they gave us a quick lesson on the things we would need to know. 

Josh was eager to go and he was the second person to go.  The zipline is supported by two poles with a platform in the middle.  The poles are about the height of telephone poles and require participants to climb them.  Josh quickly was at the top and only needed help getting onto the platform.  Without fear, Josh looked like a natural poised on his perch at the top.  Within seconds he pushed off and was sailing down and across the zipline. 

Then it was Ryan’s turn, but the sky decided to open up and drench us and Ryan decided he wasn’t ready yet, so Dave went next.  With a little hesitation, Dave was off on his 30 second adventure.  He enjoyed his ride. 

Finally, Ryan decided he was ready to try again.  Ryan made it half way up the pole and then he became very scared and said he could not do it.  Scrappy told him she would help pull him up.  That extra encouragement helped Ryan conquer his fear and he made it up to the top of the pole!  Once up he was at the top he needed to get up the courage to jump off. 

Once he was going he realized home much fun it was and how very brave he was to do something that his mother was too afraid to do herself.  Not many 6 year olds could accomplish what Ryan did today!


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