Commander’s College 201

Dave and I decided that we would like to go to Commander College again.  We had forgotten about the intense schedule of Awana Commander College.  201 had an even more intense schedule then 101.  We completed 28 hours of training in a 49 hour period. 

On Thursday, June 7th we headed to Plymouth, MN.  We arrived at 3pm and settled into our very warm dorm room.  We were happy to learn that the classrooms were air conditioned and since we would spend most of our time there this was good news.  For 2 ½ days we learned from the other commanders in the room and from our instructors.  We were challenged to continue to strive for excellence as Awana Commanders and as Christians.

Friday night we headed to the Mall of America for a special outing.  After a time of prayer, our team decided to reach outside our comfort zone.  It scared us to death.  My stomach was in knots.   Dave was trying to come up with any new plan that did not take us out of our comfort zone.  But in the end we followed God’s call and were immensely blessed. 

By Saturday, afternoon, we were beat.  Our minds were overflowing, our bodies were physically tired from the lack of sleep caused by a hot dorm room, and yet at the same time we were excited, renewed with the vision of what God wants for our Awana Club.

Since we were within minutes of Ikea we decided to stop and do a little shopping on our way home.  We also stopped and checked out two caches.  After a quick dinner at Chevy’s, we headed east towards Wisconsin.  We made it to Wausau at 10pm and decided that we were tired and that we had almost hit enough deer that it was time to stop.


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