
Showing posts from May, 2013

Camp Luther - Memorial Day Camp

Once again we headed off to Camp Luther for Memorial Day Family Camp.  This time Grandma Rosi came with us.  While the weather was much cooler than last years camp, we still had a lot of fun.   Ryan went swimming even though it was cold.  It only lasted for a quick swim!   Grandma Rosi experienced her first guppy races and had as much fun as the kids racing her fish.  Her fish was named Rosi, because she thought they wanted her name first.  She decided that the name was fine and so the name stayed Rosi.  Rosi made it into a second race but finally lost. We had lunch on the lake one day.  Everyone had to paddle out to get their food.  Rosi went on her first canoe ride and probably her last, but you never know!  Josh and I took kayaks out.  This was a first time event at family camp and we all had a lot of fun! Dave and the boys enjoyed the zip line and we all enjoyed archery.  Josh and Dave particip...

Surprise Trip to Oregon

On May 18th Rosi and I headed on a trip to Oregon to surprise Andrea, Rosi's granddaughter by showing up for her baby shower.  Andrea did not know that we were coming.  Alan and Colleen picked us up at the airport.  We went to Hillsboro for the night and then the next day we headed with Colleen to help her get ready for the baby shower.  Since we had so much to bring we ended up taking two cars. Colleen drove in first and then we followed.  It was so much fun to walk into the house after Colleen and see the look on Andrea's face when we were there. The emotions raced across her face and we knew that the trip was well worth it.  Soon it was time to head over to the lodge to prepare for the baby shower.  I was very happy to be able to help Colleen arrange the flowers and do some prep-cooking.  The best part was getting to spend time with family that we do not get to see very often.  On Monday night, Craig, Olivia and their two kids a...

John Ohlson gets his Master of Education in Administration

On May 17, 2013 we all went down to see Laura's brother John earn his Masters Degree at Concordia University.  Rosi Nolan, Bob and Anita Ohlson, Dave, Laura, Josh and Ryan all attended this special event where we recognized John's hard work.  John's friends Dorothy and Pete also joined us as we celebrated his graduation.

End of an Era

For the first time in 6 years we do not have a Sparky.   On May 7 th our last child finished the Sparks program.   Many years ago Dave and I began working in Awana before we were married.   It was a strange transition when we became parents of Awana Clubbers and now we have only T&T clubbers left!   Ryan received his third sparks book award! Josh received his 3rd T&T book award! Our Awana Clubbers