Camp Luther - Memorial Day Camp
Once again we headed off to Camp Luther for Memorial Day Family Camp. This time Grandma Rosi came with us. While the weather was much cooler than last years camp, we still had a lot of fun. Ryan went swimming even though it was cold. It only lasted for a quick swim! Grandma Rosi experienced her first guppy races and had as much fun as the kids racing her fish. Her fish was named Rosi, because she thought they wanted her name first. She decided that the name was fine and so the name stayed Rosi. Rosi made it into a second race but finally lost. We had lunch on the lake one day. Everyone had to paddle out to get their food. Rosi went on her first canoe ride and probably her last, but you never know! Josh and I took kayaks out. This was a first time event at family camp and we all had a lot of fun! Dave and the boys enjoyed the zip line and we all enjoyed archery. Josh and Dave particip...