The New Puppy

Hi, my name is Jean Luc. 

13 years ago I was adopted into the Nolan family and became Laura and Dave’s first child.  Life was great for the first 3 years.  Then one day they brought home a baby.  I punished my mom for 6 months and would not sit with her.  Unfortunately, it did not work and the baby stayed, so I gave up and went back to sitting on my mom’s shoulder.   So we all settled into life.
Three years later they showed up with another baby.  By this time I had learned how to ignore these little people and it really did not bother me.  They did their thing and I did my thing.  Turns out that only worked so well.  I guess boys want dogs and my being cranky was not working for them.
Ryan kept begging for a dog.  My parents almost gave in last fall, but when they took me to meet the dog at the humane society, I acted scared and my mommy felt bad for me.  But then this weekend happened.  Nana and Papa took mommy and the boys to a pet expo, next thing I know is everyone is talking about a puppy again. 
On Monday, they headed to Two Rivers and came back with a puppy.   Bandit is his name and he is a Shih Tzu and Bichon mix.  He weighs four pounds and for a puppy I suppose he is pretty well behaved.  He has to go in a kennel and I still get the bed at night. 

I thought it was pretty funny when the puppy had an accident in his kennel at 11:30pm and had to have a bath.  I just sat back on the bed and watched all of the excitement.  The boys did not like the smell so they abandoned the puppy and went into Josh’s room to sleep.  The puppy woke up once at 4am and went out and did not do anything and then went back to sleep. 

Today, I have watched the puppy play with the boys.  He also fell asleep on Ryan.  Actually, they both fell asleep on the couch.  He seems to like my family and he likes me, but I am not going to let him know that I like him for a while.  I am the king of this family and I plan on making sure Bandit knows it!  I am back to ignoring him, maybe this time it will work.


  1. Congrats on the new addition! Give ol' Jean Luc an extra treat from me. :)


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