Surprising Thursday

Thursday was a normal day.  The day started with a trip to Stevens Point to visit with my new facility management team and then home for dinner.  I was so proud of myself and I even had dinner ready ahead of time for Rosi to stick into the oven.  I was running late and had not had lunch so I stopped at quick trip in Waupaca for a quick snack.  I would later regret this choice.  But little did I know what was coming.
I got home just in time to eat a quick bite and then it was off to Josh’s game.  The coach was gone so I was needed to help do the book.  I enjoy doing the book, so I was excited about this opportunity.  My dad arrived to watch the game and we all were set to enjoy the game.  Then it happened.  About 15 minutes into the game I got a horrible pain in my stomach that went all the way through to my back.  I tried to ignore it, but it just got worse and it was spreading.
Did I eat something that was spoiled?  Do I have the stomach flu?  The questions swam around in my mind.  I kept telling myself it would be okay.  I stood up for the last inning.  I had never been so excited to see a game end.  Begging my father to take me straight home, we left before the players had excited the field.
I made it home just in time to get sick, but the pain did not go away.  I told Dave that I did not want to go to the hospital but 5 minutes later I called him and told him I changed my mind.  My parents came over to watch the boys and we headed to the ER.  It took an hour from when they checked me in to when I finally saw a doctor.  She ordered some pain medications and some medicine for my nausea.
Hours later, tests performed it was determined that my gall bladder was the problem and that it was inflamed.  Finally, at 5am on Friday they sent us home and told us to call the surgeon at 9am to set-up an appointment.  My appointment was for Friday afternoon.
At the appointment the doctor decided that he wanted to admit me right away for IV antibiotics and surgery in the morning.  We convinced the doctor to let me go home and pack first.  By Friday at 5pm I was tucked into my hospital bed for my weekend adventure of surgery. 
I was able to go home on Sunday and have been recuperating since. 


  1. So sorry to hear of your sudden illness, but glad that it was taken care of quickly. Thinking of you as you deal with (temporary) limitations.

    Prayers for you,


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