My Last 3 Days of Vacation

On Wednesday, Dave went back to work. The boys and I enjoyed three more days of vacation. On Wed. we worked on laundry and then decided to go to Chuck E Cheese for lunch.
We then ran to the grocery store and Ryan's reading assessment with his new teacher. Mrs. Rien was really nice. Ryan should not have a problem remembering her name as it is said the same way his first name is said, even though it is spelled differently. She wrote on her assessment that Ryan was very communicative. In other words he talks a lot!

Thursday we decided to go bowling. We used our first coupons from the Summer Kids Bowl Free Program. Both boys bowled two games.

In the end both boys won a game!
I also worked on my new quilting project, which is an eagle quilt for Dave.
Josh also had his first baseball practice for the Fall Baseball League.
Ryan enjoyed playing in the sand.

Friday, Dave was home and we had a nice family day together.


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