Our Family Vacation to Montana - Day 7

Day 7

Today, we moved to our final destination in Montana, Haymoon Ranch Resort.  This is where our nephew will get married on Saturday night.  After packing up from our little cabin, we headed for a late breakfast at the Huckleberry Patch in Hungry Horse.  We feasted on huckleberry pancakes with huckleberry syrup and eggs, bacon, and sausage. 
We headed up to Whitefish, were the resort was.  Since we were early we went through the stores in downtown Whitefish.  We found a quilt shop, where the owner makes her own patterns, designs the material and had it dyed special for the patterns. 
I loved the shop and spent some time enjoying the beautiful quilts.  Not that I would ever spend $3500 for one, but I could understand why it would cost so much with all the labor involved in making it.  I learned that there will be a giant quilt show in Eureka this Saturday.  Unfortunately, the 40 minute drive will probably end up being too much for the day of the wedding.

Finally, we arrived at the resort and settled in.  The boys played with RJ and his cousins and we enjoyed some quiet.  Aunt Pat, Danette and Jim arrived.  We visited with them and then headed to the airport to pick-up a very tired Steve and Jan (Dave’s Brother).  They had left their home at 2am in California and were supposed to arrive at 11:30am.  Due to plane problems they did not arrive until 7pm.

We helped with some wedding preparations and waited for Dave’s other brother Alan, his wife Colleen, and their son Tim to arrive.  They arrived at 1:30am.


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