Our Summer Vacation to Montana - Day 5

Day 5
Kalispell and Bigfork, MT
Today we had a slow start as we were awaken with a sick child at 3am, who did not quite make it to the bathroom.  It took us a while to clean up the mess and then to get back to sleep.  Dave had planned to hike Mt. Aeneas with Michael and Josh at 9am, but discovered that boots and ice picks were still required for the trip.  Unfortunately the unusually large snow back, coupled with late snow had caused the trail to still be covered with snow in many places.  Having not brought our winter snow gear, the trek up the mountain was cancelled. 
After our restful morning we headed out to Kalispell to go to Wal-Mart and have lunch.  We enjoyed lunch at Hu Hot and discover that we have now eaten at Hu Hot in three states.  Since we were in Kalispell we decided to show the boys were Grandma Rosi had lived before she moved out of state.  We then went to the cemetery so that Rosi could see the headstone where Dave’s dad is buried, as it had arrived after her departure from the state.  
Next it was time to head to Bigfork.  As you may remember from earlier in our trip, this is the town that Dave spent most of his childhood in.  We went to Wayfarers State Park.  This is the state park just on the other side of the hill that Dave played on growing-up.   We met Michael and RJ at the park and found a perfect location right by the water.
The boys played in the water. 

Within minutes one of the floatation devices had a hole.  Three boys and one inner tube did not work well.  Dave suggested playing with a log and trying to float on it.  This ended up with one of the boys having a bloody nose.   Dave really wanted to take Josh to the rocks to do rock jumping.  Rosi looked at me and said “you’re not going to let him do that are you?”  I explained that Dave was one of the most cautious people I know, when it comes to his children.  If he felt that he would be safe then I was good with it.  With that we left Rosi sitting by the beach and headed to the rocky area. 
Josh wanted Dave to Jump first.  So Dave made the first jump. 

Then Josh followed after him.  Dave was waiting below to make sure he surfaced. 

Ryan and RJ thought that they wanted to jump.  They both started several times to jump and then planted their feet at the end of the rock and refused to go. 

Ryan finally agreed to go holding on to Dave’s hand.  A father’s hand makes the scary times feel safe and helps you to accomplish the impossible feeling tasks.  At bedtime we discussed with the boys that God is like Daddy was with Ryan.  God holds our hands through the scary times and He will never ask us to do something that He is not right there with us for!

RJ decided that he wanted to go.  Josh agreed to hold his hand.  In hindsight it probably would have been better to have Great-Uncle Dave hold his hand.  At the very end RJ went to stop, however, Josh had committed to the jump and in default so did RJ.  RJ was fine and made it just far enough out.  However, he was not eager to jump again.  He did state that it was fun to jump.
We ended out day shopping in Big Fork and having dinner at Dairy Queen.  Dave and I enjoyed huckleberry blizzards!  Then it was home and into bed by 10pm which was early for us.


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