Our trip to Montana - Day 9

Day 9 – The Wedding

We were slow to arise today as we had really gone to sleep in the early morning.  After we brought ourselves back to conciseness, we went and said hello to Andrea and James who had arrived early in the morning having driven from Oregon overnight.  It brought back memories of when Dave and I would make the overnight trek from Washington to Montana to visit his mom.  Last year we had gone to Oregon for Andrea and James’ Wedding.   We spent the morning visiting until I was asked if I could help with set-up.  I delegated and recruited Colleen and Jim to help me.  Dave and the boys eventually joined us.  We tied purple ribbons around the chairs and decorated the arbor.

Then we all enjoyed left-overs from the night before for lunch and got ready for the wedding.  It was nice to have a 30 second commute to the wedding. 
James and Andrea wait for the wedding to start.
We enjoyed the beautiful wedding.  The wedding was followed by a cocktail hour. 

After the cocktail hour we enjoyed a nice 4 course dinner.  It was one of the best wedding meals I have had. 
Colleen and Andrea

Aunt Pat

Ryan tried to get Michael and Amber to kiss with the bell, but it did not work. 

The boys played with RJ and another child around the resort while people visited and danced the night away. 
Amber and Michael's 1st Dance

cutting the cake

Michael and Charissa

Alan, Rosi, Dave, Charissa, and Steve

 Finally, it was time for the bride and groom to leave.  Charissa and Keith surprised them with chauffeur to drive them to their hotel.  They were sent on their way in a sea of bubbles.


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